Ignoring the eventual slushy slippy snow downside, an overnight snowfall's biggest upside is the almost blank canvas and the delightful opening of new opportunities it provides.

That initial gleaming white snowscape pleasure relished through the window.
The perfect concealment of flaws and bothersome junctions in your garden or street.
The development of desire lines clearly tracked and mapped.
Snow refreshes our perspective.
Imagine if the snow fell over your kitchen coating every surface and providing you with a pristine blank canvas to redesign your space.
What would you change?
With many kitchens becoming work from home spaces, schooling places and the hardest working part of the home, scrutinising your current kitchen is probably subliminally happening already.
Can you relate to issues that have popped up in some of my recent kitchen renovation consultations?
"Although I love the way it separates the space, the island is awkward to perch at
for longer than a glass of wine certainly not suitable for a 2-hour Zoom meeting."
"Why did the fridge end up so far from the main worktop preparation area, and why
is the door opening in the wrong way round to where I commonly stand?"
"It's so annoying how the dishwasher door opens into the space so close to the corner that it necessitates one-legged loading/unloading."
"The colours are so out of date and depressing!"
"I need more worktop space."

Obviously, you will know when your kitchen is totally defunct and in dire need of an entirely new scheme but in some instances, a small tweak can make all the difference to how each kitchen functions.
It could be a reconfiguration of an island to provide more comfortable perching or re hinging a door; a fresh new colour scheme or maybe just a new tap and sink.
Minor adjustments can not only save you money but you can feel great about making the right environmental choice too.
Ask me about my (COVID-19) remote kitchen renovation design and specification service. With 100’s of renovations completed, I can provide an exemplary service just right for your needs and budget.
Until next time, best wishes from Charlotte, the Kitchenista at Kitchen Cupboard Paint.