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Kitchen Style Series #1

Here in Blighty, we are overwhelmed with choice when looking at purchasing a newly fitted kitchen, from B&Q to Plain English and all the genres in between. With so many makers and sellers of fitted kitchens, finding your individual style can be a challenge. These blog posts will introduce you to less common kitchen styles that you may not have discovered and share tips and design details that will help you create a kitchen that is uniquely yours.


Kitchen showrooms create wonderful environments to sell you the style and look that the maker believes in. Driven by the need to meet sales targets and shareholder satisfaction, many of these showrooms offer a very similar looking style, although they are constructed from vastly different quality components. The displays in these run-of-the-mill fitted kitchens is the initial lure, and many showrooms are dressed with props that reflect the anticipated customer's desires in an attempt to distract you from noticing that the cupboards all look the same.

Filtering out a genuinely different kitchen style from the masses of traditional, shaker and linear on offer will mean getting creative with design features and mixing up cupboards from various sources – some new and even some vintage.

An unusual style for the tidy Kitchenista* is the Haberdasher’s Kitchen from deVol.

It is beautifully crafted with oiled Oak fronted Birch ply cabinets with a distinct nod to the traditional glass-fronted and long drawer style seen in haberdashery stores of old. This unique cabinet style incorporates slatted panelled doors for essential cupboards and integrated appliances, and of course, the iconic drapers glazed cupboards set below worktop level and also for wall and tall cabinets where internal panels and shelves can be enhanced with a painted finish. Brass and black iron detailing, curved edges and elegantly turned Oak legs seamlessly complete this overall stunning style.

You could choose just one section of your kitchen to be this fitted style and for less tidy storage of your baked beans and ketchup, add a freestanding pantry cupboard.

How would you create your kitchen with this style?

My preference would be a simple flat door style of essential fitted cupboards, and integrated appliances , painted in Pewsey to contrast against a Haberdashers Kitchen feature island showing my very best crockery all tidy and organised in the open island side and everyday items stowed in a less orderly fashion on the other utility side.

If you would like a design consultation to create a unique kitchen style for your home, ask me about my kitchen consultation service.

Check out the full deVol Haberdasher’s Kitchen inspiration on their web page:

* the person who does the majority of kitchen activities, incl styling & cooking



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Unique Kitchen Colours from Charlotte Hill-Baldwin

Part of the sustainable design and make company H-B Designs Ltd

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T : 01380  848 594
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